*Commercially insured patients may save up to $ 30 out of pocket per carton, up to a maximum of three (3) cartons per prescription. This offer is not available to non-insured/cash-paying patients, nor patients eligible for prescription coverage by any state or federally funded healthcare programs. Maximum reimbursement limits apply. Patient out-of-pocket expenses may vary.

Savings options that give you room to plan.

Concerns about cost holding you back? With Teva's Epinephrine Auto-Injector, you may choose to create an emergency plan that includes keeping auto-injectors in multiple locations.
Ask your healthcare provider if keeping an additional auto-injector at work, school, or any other location is appropriate for you. Wherever you choose to keep your auto-injector(s), make sure your family, coworkers, or caregiver(s) know where to find it and how to use it.
Why generics cost less.
Generics cost less than brand-name medicines for 3 main reasons:
- Generics manufacturers don't start product development from scratch
- Costly clinical trials and research have already been completed by brand manufacturers
- Less money is spent on big advertising and marketing programs
Of course, manufacturers still must show the FDA that the generic performs the same as the brand-name medicine.
Savings Offer Terms, Conditions, and Eligibility Requirements
Terms and Conditions: Only commercially insured patients are eligible for this offer. Patients are not eligible for this offer if they are eligible to have prescriptions paid for in part or full by any state or federally funded programs, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, VA, DOD, TRICARE, or by private health benefit programs which reimburse for the entire cost of prescription drugs. This card is not valid for patients who are Medicare eligible and are enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan or prescription drug benefit program for retirees (i.e., patients who are eligible for Medicare Part D but who receive a prescription drug benefit through a former employer). Cash Discount Cards and other non-insurance plans are not valid as primary under this offer. If the patient is eligible for drug benefits under any such program, the patient cannot use this offer. By redeeming this card, the patient (for a minor, the patient's parent or guardian) acknowledges that the patient is eligible and understands and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this offer.
Void if copied, transferred, purchased, altered, or traded and where prohibited and restricted by law. This is not an insurance program. This offer is limited to one per customer and may not be used with any other discount, coupon, or offer. This offer expires on December 31, 2024. This program is managed by TrialCard on behalf of Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. Teva reserves the right to limit, change, or discontinue this offer at any time without notice. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility or benefits, please call 844-248-7949.
To the Patient: This card must be presented to the pharmacist along with your Epinephrine Auto-Injector 2-Pack prescription to participate in this program.
- Offer valid only for the following National Drug Codes:
- 0.15 mg/0.3 mL - 00093-5985-27 (2-Pack)
- 0.3 mg/0.3 mL - 00093-5986-27 (2-Pack)
Commercially Insured Patients: Commercially insured patients with coverage for the Epinephrine Auto-Injector 2-Pack may save as much as $30 on out-of-pocket expenses for each Epinephrine Auto-Injector 2-Pack carton, up to a maximum of three (3) cartons per prescription. Teva will pay up to $30 per carton of your co-payment or cost-sharing obligation per fill. Maximum reimbursement limits apply and patient out-of-pocket expenses may vary.
Cash-Paying Patients: Non-Insured/Cash-Paying Patients are not eligible for this offer.
To the Pharmacist: By redeeming this offer, the Pharmacist certifies that the Epinephrine Auto-Injector 2-Pack is being dispensed to a patient eligible for this offer in compliance with these terms and conditions, and the Pharmacist has not submitted and will not submit a claim for reimbursement under any federal, state, or other governmental program for this prescription. Void where prohibited by law.
Pharmacy Instructions for Commercially Insured Patients: Please submit this claim to the primary Payer first, then submit the balance due to TrialCard as a Secondary Payer COB (coordination of benefits) with patient responsibility and a valid Other Coverage Code (e.g. 8). For each Epinephrine Auto-Injector 2-Pack carton, Teva will pay up to $30 per carton, up to a maximum of three (3) cartons per prescription. Reimbursement will be received from TrialCard.
Pharmacy Instructions for Uninsured Cash-Paying Patients: Cash-Paying Patients are not eligible for this offer.
Valid Other Coverage Code required. For questions about processing, please call the Help Desk at 844-248-7949.
Colorado Epinephrine Auto-Injector Affordability Program
Beginning January 1, 2024, eligible residents of Colorado can receive Epinephrine Auto-Injectors for no more than a $60 copay for each 2-pack of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors. For more information about this program, please visit https://dpo.colorado.gov/Pharmacy/Affordability.
For Pharmacists: To receive your replacement Epinephrine Auto-Injectors, please complete the Request Form and return it to Teva Customer Service by fax (800-760-1009) or email to TevaCS@tevapharm.com.